Playlist Titus Andronicus | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page
Act One
1.1 Romans, make way: the good Andronicus.
Act Two
2.1 Now climbeth Tamora Olympus’ top,
2.2 The hunt is up, the morn is bright and grey,
2.3 He that had wit would think that I had none,
2.4 So, now go tell, an if thy tongue can speak,
Act Three
3.1 Hear me, grave fathers! noble tribunes, stay!
3.2 So, so; now sit: and look you eat no more
Act Four
4.1 Help, grandsire, help! my aunt Lavinia
4.2 Demetrius, here’s the son of Lucius;
4.3 Come, Marcus; come, kinsmen; this is the way.
4.4 Why, lords, what wrongs are these! was ever seen
Act Five
5.1 Approved warriors, and my faithful friends,
5.2 Thus, in this strange and sad habiliment,
5.3 Uncle Marcus, since it is my father’s mind
Playlist Titus Andronicus | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page