Pericles | Dramatis Personea

Playlist Pericles | Sitemap Scenes | Playhouse Page

The nautical tale of a wandering prince, Pericles is narrated by John Gower, a poet from the English past. Gower explains that Pericles, Prince of Tyre, hopes to win the hand of a princess in Antioch … more …

ANTIOCHUS king of Antioch.
PERICLES prince of Tyre.
HELICANUS lords of Tyre
ESCANES lords of Tyre
SIMONIDES king of Pentapolis.
CLEON governor of Tarsus.
LYSIMACHUS governor of Mytilene.
CERIMON a lord of Ephesus.
THALIARD a lord of Antioch.
PHILEMON servant to Cerimon.
LEONINE servant to Dionyza.

A Pandar

BOULT his servant.
The Daughter of Antiochus
DIONYZA wife to Cleon
THAISA daughter to Simonides
MARINA daughter to Pericles and Thaisa
LYCHORIDA nurse to Marina
A Bawd

GOWER as Chorus.

Lords, Knights, Gentlemen, Sailors, Pirates,
Fishermen, and Messengers.

SCENE: dispersedly in various countries. 

Playlist Pericles | Sitemap Scenes | Playhouse Page

Updated: February 18, 2024 — 12:17 pm