Playlist Pericles | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page
Act One
1.0 To sing a song that old was sung,
1.1 Young prince of Tyre, you have at large received
1.2 Let none disturb us.–Why should this change of thoughts,
1.3 So, this is Tyre, and this the court.
1.4 My Dionyza, shall we rest us here,
Act Two
2.0 Here have you seen a mighty king
2.1 Yet cease your ire, you angry stars of heaven!
2.2 Are the knights ready to begin the triumph?
2.3 Knights, to say you’re welcome were superfluous.
2.4 No, Escanes, know this of me,
2.5 Good morrow to the good Simonides.
Act Three
3.0 Now sleep y-slaked hath the rout;
3.1 Thou god of this great vast, rebuke these surges,
3.2 Philemon, ho! [Enter PHILEMON] Doth my lord call?
3.3 Most honour’d Cleon, I must needs be gone;
3.4 Madam, this letter, and some certain jewels,
[Act Four
4.0 Imagine Pericles arrived at Tyre,
4.1 Thy oath remember; thou hast sworn to do’t:
4.2 Boult! Sir? Search the market narrowly;
4.3 Why, are you foolish? Can it be undone?
4.4 Thus time we waste, and longest leagues make short;
4.5 Did you ever hear the like?
4.6 Well, I had rather than twice the worth of her…
Act Five
5.0 Marina thus the brothel ‘scapes, and chances
5. 1 Where is lord Helicanus? he can resolve you.
5.2 Now our sands are almost run;
5.3 Hail, Dian! to perform thy just command,
Playlist Pericles | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page