Othello | Act 5.1

Cyprus. A street.


Here, stand behind this bulk; straight will he come:
Wear thy good rapier bare, and put it home:

RODERIGO     Be near at hand; I may miscarry in’t.

IAGO      Here, at thy hand: be bold, and take thy stand.


IAGO      I have rubb’d this young quat almost to the sense,
And he grows angry. Now, whether he kill Cassio,
Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other,
Every way makes my gain: live Roderigo,
He calls me to a restitution large
Of gold and jewels that I bobb’d from him,
As gifts to Desdemona;
It must not be: if Cassio do remain,
He hath a daily beauty in his life
That makes me ugly; and, besides, the Moor
May unfold me to him; there stand I in much peril:
No, he must die. But so: I hear him coming.

[Enter CASSIO]

RODERIGO       I know his gait, ’tis he.–Villain, thou diest!

[Makes a pass at CASSIO]

CASSIO       That thrust had been mine enemy indeed,
But that my coat is better than thou know’st
I will make proof of thine.

[Draws, and wounds RODERIGO]

RODERIGO       O, I am slain!

IAGO       Rodrigo hit, and Cassio yet unharmed.
Then it’s time to lend a hand!

[IAGO from behind wounds
CASSIO in the leg, and exit]

CASSIO       I am maim’d for ever.
Help, ho! murder! murder!


CASSIO       O, help!

LODOVICO      Hark!

RODERIGO      O wretched villain!

[Re-enter IAGO, with a light]

IAGO      Who’s there?
whose noise is this that cries on murder?

CASSIO      Iago? O, I am spoil’d, undone by villains!
Give me some help.

IAGO      O me, lieutenant! what villains have done this?

CASSIO      I think that one of them is hereabout,
And cannot make away.

IAGO      O treacherous villains!
What are you there? come in, and give some help.

RODERIGO       O, help me here!

CASSIO       That’s one of them.

IAGO      O murderous slave! O villain!


RODERIGO      O damn’d Iago! O inhuman dog!

IAGO      Kill men i’ the dark!
–Where be these bloody thieves?–
Ho! murder! murder!–

LODOVICO      Who is he that cries murder?

IAGO      Signior Lodovico?

LODOVICO      He, sir.

IAGO       I cry you mercy.
Here’s Cassio hurt by villains.

GRATIANO       Cassio!

IAGO       How is’t, brother!

CASSIO       My leg is cut in two.

IAGO       Patience awhile, good Cassio. Come, come;
Lend me a light. Know we this face or no?
Alas my friend and my dear countryman
Roderigo! no:–yes, sure: O heaven! Roderigo.

GRATIANO       Roderigo!

IAGO       He, he ’tis he.
Bear Cassio carefully from hence;
I’ll fetch the general’s surgeon.

EMILIA        Iago, ‘Las, what’s the matter?
what’s the matter, husband?

IAGO        Cassio hath here been set on in the dark
By Roderigo and fellows that are scaped:
He’s almost slain, and Roderigo dead.

EMILIA        Alas, good gentleman! alas, good Cassio!

IAGO        Kind gentlemen,
let’s go see poor Cassio dress’d.
Emilia run you to the citadel,
And tell my lord and lady what hath happ’d.
Will you go on? I pray.


This is the night
That either makes me or fordoes me quite.


[Exeunt] Act 4.3 | Act 5.2

Playlist Othello | Dramatis Personea | Plays & Info

Updated: May 17, 2021 — 3:20 pm