Cymbeline | Dramatis Personea

Playlist Cymbeline | Sitemap Scenes | Playhouse Page

Cymbeline, which takes place in ancient Britain, is filled with hidden identities, extraordinary schemes, and violent acts. Long ago, the two sons of King Cymbeline were abducted, leaving Cymbeline with a daughter, Imogen. Cymbeline’s stepson, Cloten, is now his heir, and Cymbeline expects Imogen to marry him. She secretly marries Posthumus Leonatus instead. < more >

CYMBELINE king of Britain
CLOTEN son to the Queen by a former husband
POSTHUMUS LEONATUS a gentleman, husband to Imogen
BELARIUS a banished lord, disguised under the name of Morgan

GUIDERIUS and ARVIRAGUS sons to Cymbeline,
disguised under the names of Polydote and Cadwal,
supposed sons to Morgan

PHILARIO friend to Posthumus
IACHIMO friend to Philario

CAIUS LUCIUS general of the Roman forces.
PISANIO servant to Posthumus.

CORNELIUS a physician.

A Roman Captain
Two British Captains

A Frenchman, friend to Philario
Two Lords of Cymbeline’s court
Two Gentlemen of the same
Two Gaolers

QUEEN wife to Cymbeline
IMOGEN daughter to Cymbeline by a former queen

HELEN a lady attending on Imogen

Lords, Ladies, Roman Senators, Tribunes
a Soothsayer, a Dutchman, a Spaniard, Musicians
Officers, Captains, Soldiers, Messengers
and other Attendants

SCENE: Britain; Rome


Playlist Playlist Cymbeline | Sitemap Scenes | Playhouse Page

Updated: February 17, 2024 — 4:38 pm