Much Ado About Nothing | Dramatis Personea

Playlist Much Ado | Sitemap Scenes | Playhouse Page

The primary plot of Much Ado About Nothing turns on the courtship and scandal involving young Hero and her suitor, Claudio, but the witty war of words between Claudio’s friend Benedick and Hero’s cousin Beatrice often takes center stage. <<more >>


DON PEDRO prince of Arragon.
DON JOHN his bastard brother.
CLAUDIO a young lord of Florence.
BENEDICK a young lord of Padua.
LEONATO governor of Messina.
ANTONIO his brother.
BALTHASAR attendant on Don Pedro.

CONRADE & BORACHIO followers of Don John.
DOGBERRY a constable.
VERGES a headborough.

A Sexton
A Boy

HERO daughter to Leonato.
BEATRICE niece to Leonato.

MARGARET & URSULA gentlewomen attending on Hero

Messengers, Watch, Attendants, &c

SCENE: Messina 

Playlist Much Ado | Sitemap Scenes | Playhouse Page

Updated: February 18, 2024 — 10:15 am