Henry VIII | Epilogue

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‘Tis ten to one this play can never please
All that are here: some come to take their ease,
And sleep an act or two; but those, we fear,
We have frighted with our trumpets; so, ’tis clear,
They’ll say ’tis naught: others, to hear the city
Abused extremely, and to cry ‘That’s witty!’
Which we have not done neither: that, I fear,
All the expected good we’re like to hear
For this play at this time, is only in
The merciful construction of good women;
For such a one we show’d ’em: if they smile,
And say ’twill do, I know, within a while
All the best men are ours; for ’tis ill hap,
If they hold when their ladies bid ’em clap.


Act 5.5 | Sitemap Scenes

Playlist Henry VIII | Dramatis Personea | Plays & Info

Updated: April 24, 2021 — 7:34 am