Henry VI Part Two | Act 2.2

London. YORK’S garden.


Now, my good Lords of Salisbury and Warwick,

Our simple supper ended, give me leave
In this close walk to satisfy myself,
In craving your opinion of my title,
Which is infallible, to England’s crown.

SALISBURY     My lord, I long to hear it at full.

WARWICK     Sweet York, begin: and if thy claim be good,
The Nevils are thy subjects to command.

YORK      Then thus:
Edward the Third, my lords, had seven sons:
The first, Edward the Black Prince died before his father
And left behind him Richard, his only son,
Who after Edward the Third’s death reign’d as king;
Till Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Lancaster,
The eldest son and heir of John of Gaunt,
Seized on the realm, deposed the rightful king,
Sent his poor queen to France, from whence she came,
And him to Pomfret; where, as all you know,
Harmless Richard was murder’d traitorously.

WARWICK     Father, the duke hath told the truth:
Thus got the house of Lancaster the crown.

YORK     Which now they hold by force and not by right;
For Richard, the first son’s heir, being dead,
The issue of the next son should have reign’d.

SALISBURY     But William of Hatfield died without an heir.

YORK     The third son, Duke of Clarence, from whose line
I claimed the crown, had issue, Philippe, a daughter,
Who married Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March:
Edmund had issue, Roger Earl of March;
Roger had issue, Edmund, Anne and Eleanor.

SALISBURY     This Edmund, in the reign of Bolingbroke,
As I have read, laid claim unto the crown;
And, therefore was kept him in captivity till he died.
But to the rest.

YORK      His eldest sister, Anne,
My mother, being heir unto the crown
Married Richard Earl of Cambridge; who was son
To Edmund Langley, Edward the Third’s fifth son.
By her I claim the kingdom: she was heir
To Roger Earl of March, who was the son
Of Edmund Mortimer, who married Philippe,
Sole daughter unto Lionel Duke of Clarence:
So, if the issue of the elder son
Succeed before the younger, I am king.

WARWICK     What plain proceeding is more plain than this?
Henry doth claim the crown from John of Gaunt,
The fourth son; York claims it from the third.
Till Lionel’s issue fails, his should not reign:
It fails not yet, but flourishes in thee
And in thy sons, fair slips of such a stock.
Then, father Salisbury, kneel we together;
And in this private plot be we the first
That shall salute our rightful sovereign
With honour of his birthright to the crown.

BOTH      Long live our sovereign Richard,  England’s king!

YORK     We thank you, lords. But I am not your king
Till I be crown’d and that my sword be stain’d
With heart-blood of the house of Lancaster;
And that’s not suddenly to be perform’d,
But with advice and silent secrecy.
Do you as I do in these dangerous days:
Wink at the Duke of Suffolk’s insolence,
At Beaufort’s pride, at Somerset’s ambition,
At Buckingham and all the crew of them,
Till they have snared the shepherd of the flock,
That virtuous prince, the good Duke Humphrey:
‘Tis that they seek, and they in seeking that
Shall find their deaths, if York can prophesy.

SALISBURY      My lord, break we off;
we know your mind at full.

WARWICK     My heart assures me that the Earl of Warwick
Shall one day make the Duke of York a king.

YORK      And, Nevil, this I do assure myself:
Richard shall live to make the Earl of Warwick
The greatest man in England but the king.


Act 2.1 | Act 2.3

Playlist Henry VI Part 2 | Dramatis Personea | Plays & Info

Updated: April 23, 2021 — 9:35 am