Henry V | Act 2.2

 Southampton. A council-chamber.


Now sits the wind fair,  Uncle of Exeter,
Enlarge the man committed yesterday,
That rail’d against our person: we consider
it was excess of wine that set him on;
And on his more advice we pardon him.

SCROOP     That’s mercy, but too much security:
Let him be punish’d, sovereign, lest example
Breed, by his sufferance, more of such a kind.

KING HENRY V    O, let us yet be merciful.
We doubt not now
But every rub is smoothed on our way.
Then forth, dear countrymen: let us deliver
Our puissance into the hand of God,
Putting it straight in expedition.
Cheerly to sea; the signs of war advance:
No king of England, if not king of France.


[Exeunt] Act 2.1 | Act 2.3

Playlist Henry V | Dramatis Personea | Plays & Info

Updated: April 21, 2021 — 7:42 pm