Much Ado About Nothing | Act 4.2

 A prison.

[Enter DOGBERRY, VERGES, and Sexton,
in gowns; and the Watch, with

DOGBERRY     Is our whole dissembly appeared?

VERGES      O, a stool and a cushion for the sexton.

Sexton      Which be the malefactors?

DOGBERRY      Marry, that am I and my partner.

VERGES      Nay, that’s certain;
we have the exhibition to examine.

Sexton      But which are the offenders that are to be
examined? let them come before master constable.

DOGBERRY      Yea, marry, let them come before me.
What is your name, friend?

BORACHIO      Borachio.

DOGBERRY      Pray, write down, Borachio.
Yours, sirrah?

CONRADE      I am a gentleman, sir,
and my name is Conrade.

DOGBERRY      Write down, master gentleman Conrade.
Masters, do you serve God?

| Yea, sir, we hope.

DOGBERRY      Write down, that they hope they serve God:
and write God first; for God defend but God should go
before such villains! Masters, it is proved already
that you are little better than false knaves; and it
will go near to be thought so shortly. How answer
you for yourselves?

CONRADE      Marry, sir, we say we are none.

DOGBERRY      A marvellous witty fellow, I assure you:
but I will go about with him. Come you hither, sirrah; a
word in your ear: sir, I say to you, it is thought
you are false knaves.

BORACHIO      Sir, I say to you we are none.

DOGBERRY      Well, stand aside. ‘Fore God, they are both
in a tale. Have you writ down, that they are none?

Sexton      Master constable, you go not the way to examine:
you must call forth the watch that are their accusers.

DOGBERRY      Yea, marry, that’s the eftest way.
Let the watch come forth. Masters, I charge you, in
the prince’s name, accuse these men.

First Watchman      This man said, sir, that Don John, the
prince’s brother, was a villain.

DOGBERRY      Write down Prince John a villain.
Why, this is flat perjury, to call a prince’s brother villain.

BORACHIO       Master constable,–

DOGBERRY      Pray thee, fellow, peace:
I do not like thy look, I promise thee.

Sexton       What heard you him say else?

Second Watchman      Marry,
that he had received a thousand ducats of
Don John for accusing the Lady Hero wrongfully.

DOGBERRY      Flat burglary as ever was committed.

VERGES      Yea, by mass, that it is.

Sexton      What else, fellow?

First Watchman      And that Count Claudio did mean,
upon his words, to disgrace Hero before the whole
assembly. and not marry her.

DOGBERRY      O villain! thou wilt be condemned
into everlasting redemption for this.

Sexton      What else?

Watchman      This is all.

Sexton      And this is more, masters, than you can deny.
Prince John is this morning secretly stolen away;
Hero was in this manner accused, in this very manner
refused, and upon the grief of this suddenly died.
Master constable, let these men be bound, and
brought to Leonato’s: I will go before and show
him their examination.


DOGBERRY      Come, let them be opinioned.

VERGES      Let them be in the hands–

CONRADE      Off, coxcomb!

DOGBERRY      God’s my life, where’s the sexton?
let him write down the prince’s officer coxcomb.
Come, bind them. Thou naughty varlet!

CONRADE      Away! you are an ass, you are an ass.

DOGBERRY      Dost thou not suspect my place?
dost thou not suspect my years? O that he were
here to write me down an ass! But, masters, remember
that I am an ass; though it be not written down, yet
forget not that I am an ass. No, thou villain, thou art
full of piety, as shall be proved upon thee by good
witness. I am a wise fellow, and, which is more, an officer,
and, which is more, a householder, and, which is
more, as pretty a piece of flesh as any is in
Messina, and one that knows the law, go to; and a
rich fellow enough, go to; and a fellow that hath
had losses, and one that hath two gowns and every
thing handsome about him. Bring him away. O that
I had been writ down an ass!


Act 4.1 | Act 5.1

Playlist Much Ado | Dramatis Personea | Plays & Info

Updated: April 27, 2021 — 5:06 pm