Coriolanus | Act 4.3

A highway between
Rome and Antium.

[Enter a Roman and a Volsce, meeting]

Roman There hath been in Rome strange insurrections;
the people against the senators, patricians, and nobles.

Volsce Hath been! is it ended, then?
Our state thinks not so:
they are in a most warlike preparation, and hope
to come upon them in the heat of their division.

Roman The main blaze of it is past, but a small thing
would make it flame again: for the nobles receive
so to heart the banishment of that worthy
Coriolanus, that they are in a ripe aptness to take
all power from the people and to pluck from them
their tribunes for ever. This lies glowing, I can
tell you, and is almost mature for the violent
breaking out.

Volsce Coriolanus banished!

Roman Banished, sir.

Volsce You will be welcome with this intelligence,

Roman The day serves well for them now.
I have heard it said, the fittest time to corrupt
a man’s wife is when she’s fallen out with her husband.
Your noble Tullus Aufidius will appear well in these wars,
his great opposer, Coriolanus, being now in no request

of his country.


[Exeunt] Act 4.2 | Act 4.4

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Updated: April 20, 2021 — 8:29 am