Coriolanus | Act 1.4

Before Corioli.

[Enter, with drum and colours, MARCIUS,
TITUS LARTIUS, Captains and Soldiers]

[ Enter two Senators with others on the walls]

MARCIUS    Tutus Aufidius, is he within your walls?

First Senator    No, nor a man that fears you less than he,
That’s lesser than a little.

[Alarum afar off]

Hark you. far off!
There is Aufidius; list, what work he makes
Amongst your cloven army.

MARCIUS    O, they are at it!

LARTIUS    Their noise be our instruction. Ladders, ho!

[Enter the army of the Volsces]

MARCIUS    All the contagion of the south light on you,
You shames of Rome! you herd of–Boils and plagues
Plaster you o’er, that you may be abhorr’d
Further than seen and one infect another
Against the wind a mile! You souls of geese,
That bear the shapes of men, how have you run
From slaves that apes would beat! Pluto and hell!
All hurt behind; backs red, and faces pale
With flight and agued fear! Mend and charge home,
Or, by the fires of heaven, I’ll leave the foe
And make my wars on you: look to’t…

LARTIUS    What is become of Marcius?

All    Slain, sir, doubtless.

First Soldier    Following the fliers at the very heels,
With them he enters; who, upon the sudden,
Clapp’d to their gates: he is himself alone,
To answer all the city.

[Re-enter MARCIUS, bleeding,
assaulted by the enemy]

First Soldier    Look, sir.

LARTIUS    O,’tis Marcius!
Let’s fetch him off, or make remain alike.


[All enter the city] Act 1.3 | Act 1.5

Playlist Coriolanus | Dramatis Personea | Plays & Info

Updated: May 24, 2021 — 9:06 am