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The First Siege of Gibraltar

Ever since the Battle of Covadonga in Asturias in 722, the northern Christian kingdoms had kept alive their hopes of “Reconquista” (the struggle to take back control of the Iberian peninsula from the Moors) and, over the centuries, had been making increasing inroads into Moorish Territory.[ With the collapse ofContinue Reading

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Greek fire first used against arab conquerers

For five successive years between 674 and 678 the Arabs conducted campaigns on a steady pattern. Between spring and autumn each year they besieged the walls and mounted naval operations in the straits that involved running battles with the Byzantine fleet. Both sides fought with the same types of oaredContinue Reading

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The Battle of Lepanto

The Battle of Lepanto (Spanish: La Batalla de Lepanto]) is a famous painting by Filipino painter and revolutionary activist Juan Luna. Painted by Luna in 1887, the masterpiece is about the Battle of Lepanto of October 7, 1571. The painting features Don Juan of Austria (also known as Don JohnContinue Reading

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