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What Is This Thing Called Love?

“What Is This Thing Called Love?” is a 1929 popular song written by Cole Porter, for the musical Wake Up and Dream. It was first performed by Elsie Carlisle in March 1929. The song has become a popular jazz standard and one of Porter’s most often played compositions. Cole PorterContinue Reading

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The 1929 Wall Street Crash

DRAMATIC EVENTS ON WALL STREET MARKED AWATERSHED IN THE HISTORY OF THE 20TH CENTURY Almost in a matter of days, the booming 1920s collapsed into the greatest economic slump of modern times. Hopes of sustained recovery, peace and stability after the Great War were dashed. The stump destroyed governments and providedContinue Reading

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1929 Wikipedia Summary

This year marked the end of a period known in American history as the Roaring Twenties after the Wall Street Crash of 1929 ushered in a worldwide Great Depression. In the Americas, an agreement was brokered to end the Cristero War, a Catholic counter-revolution in Mexico. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, a British high court, ruledContinue Reading

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