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First European to land on Easter Island

The first European to land on Easter Island was the Dutch admiral Jacob Roggeveen, who paid it a single day’s visit in 1722. He and his crew found a population that they described as being of mixed physical types who worshiped huge standing statues with fires while they prostrated themselvesContinue Reading

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First mention of Viking voyages

On a clear day, a Viking longship at sea could be seen some 18 nautical miles away. With a favourable wind, that distance could be covered in about an hour – which was perhaps all the time that the monks at Lindisfarne had to prepare themselves against attack on oneContinue Reading

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The Russian Revolution of 1905

Uprising that was instrumental in convincing Tsar Nicholas II to attempt the transformation of the Russian government from an autocracy into a constitutional monarchy. For several years before 1905 and especially after the humiliating Russo-Japanese War (1904–05), diverse social groups demonstrated their discontent with the Russian social and political system.Continue Reading

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Defenders Of Pilenai Commit Mass Suicide

4000 Defenders Of Pilenai Commit Mass Suicide When Attacked By Teutonic Knights On February 25, 1336, Pilenai, a hill fort in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania attacked by large Teutonic forces, tried in vain to organize a defense against the larger and stronger invader. Losing hope, the defenders decided toContinue Reading

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1000s of Parisians march to Versailles

October 5, 1789: “Thousands of Parisians, many of them women, marched 12 miles to Versailles, the residence of Louis XVI and the location of the National Constituent Assembly. The aims of this crowd varied. Some were desperately hungry and wanted to petition the king and his government to alleviate breadContinue Reading

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