
Byzantine Empire

  • Spring – Emperor Justinian I appoints his cousin Germanus as magister militum to deal with the crisis in Africa. He sends a mobile force of comitatenses (mostly cavalry) and an elite guard. Solomon, the previous magister militum, returns to Constantinople.
  • Summer – Gothic War (535–554)Belisarius crosses the Strait of Messina and invades Italy. He conquers the city of Rhegium and advances to Naples.
  • November – Siege of Naples: Belisarius captures Naples after a month’s siege, by sending troops into the city through an abandoned Roman aqueduct.
  • December 9 – Belisarius enters Rome through the Porta Asinaria, and the Gothic garrison of 4,000 men flees the capital. He sends an urgent request for reinforcements to Justinian I, meanwhile preparing Rome for a siege, by bringing in great quantities of food and other supplies.
  • Winter – Belisarius sets up his headquarters on the Pincian Hill, and repairs the neglected city walls of Rome. He stations a 5,000-man garrison, of whom half are his personal bodyguard (bucellarii). To hold parts of the city, he recruits 20,000 young Romans to man the walls.


  • Early in 536 (possible) – Volcanic winter of 536: A volcano erupts in Iceland. Famine is described in the Annals of Ulster.
  • March – Ostrogothic King Theodahad cedes Provence and upper Alamannia to the Franks, gaining their support in the war. He sends a large Gothic army into Dalmatia. They defeat the Byzantines, Mundus is killed during the fighting at Salona, and the Byzantine army withdraws.
  • Summer – Constantinianus, magister militum per Illyricum, retakes Dalmatia. The Goths abandon Salona and withdraw to the north. The Byzantines rebuild its walls and reclaim the province.
  • December – Vitiges deposes his rival Theodahad at Ravenna, and marries Matasuntha (daughter of queen Amalasuntha). He becomes king of the Ostrogoths and assembles an army to fight against Belisarius.


  • March – April – Belisarius sails to Carthage with 1,000 men, to suppress a mutiny against Solomon. Meanwhile, the capital is besieged by 9,000 rebels, including many Vandals, under Stotzas.
  • Battle of the River Bagradas: Belisarius defeats the mutineers, and hurries back to Sicily.


