4. Brain Epstein’s Meeting

We’re in the community room of the island where
Epstein, once manager of the world famous
Beatles, has
called for a meeting. He has information
for all these
superstar zombies.

It seems he has a plan for doing some business on
the internet and, this way, make their afterlife
experience a bit more exciting. But we better
listen to
what he has to tell us himself…
[Read more…]

5: Robert Johnson & Brian Jones

Brian Jones, famous for starting his band the
Stones, and blues legend Robert Johnson
are playing
their guitars. 

It has started to rain at Superstar Zombies’
island but
it’s only a light rain and the weather
is still nice enough
to sit outside on the porch,
just like Robert Johnson was
used to do in when
he travelled the Mississippi Delta
performing his
guitar blues music in the honky tonks and
juke joints.

He is still recognised as the first rock star
also the first of the so called 27 club,
those died at the age of just 27, way too young.
[Read more…]

6: Michael Jackson & James Brown

So now ladies and gentlemen, it is “Star Time”.
Are you ready for “Star Time?” Thank you,
and thank you very kindly. It is indeed a great
pleasure to present to you, The Hardest-Working
Man in Show Business”: “Mister Dynamite”!
The amazing “Mister Please Please” himself,
the star of the show, James Brown.

Oh, and by the way, this scene is about Michael
Jackson also. They are showing off their dance
moves to each other, just to pass the time. [Read more…]