1: Hendrix, Morrison & Marilyn

We’re visiting a very special island, the
Island of
Superstar Zombies. It is where
our most famous
entertainment superstar
spend their time, no
longer alive, and
waiting for the day when they
finally will
be completely forgotten, and can
their eternal rest in peace.

Hey look! There’s Jimi Hendrix coming our way…

JH: (singing and walkin cool)
Purple haze is in my brain

Then this other person steps up too,
also named Jim, Jim Morrison – it’s
probably morning on this island
and all superstars are waking up…

JM: Hey dude, can you light me a fire?

JH: If six was nine, o yes I can firelight a-ny-thing
– (fetching his lighter) Purple Haze is in my brain
haha. Now watch and behold – and cry… (flame of
lighter is blown out by the wind
) – Shit, it’s that
fuckin wind again

JM: Yeah saw those riders on the storm again
last night. I think we can expect some hurricane.

JH: Bobby? No he’s gonna live forever. He will
never set foot on this island of superstar zombies.
Purple haze… in my brain

JM: I hate that song, you got something else?
We’ve been here too long, brother, you and me.

JH: What you wanna do? Kill yourself?
Hahhahaha!! You already did that!!
Hahaha! Purple haze is in my brain…

JM: Yeah been there, done that.
What’s new euh?

JH: Not much, buddy, not much…
Hey anything happening to my man Kurt?

JM: No, he’s only doin his “hello hollow”
stuff whole day. As if in a trance.
Not much of a spirit to have fun with.

JH: Perhaps we should tell Marilyn
to cheer him up a little.

JM: Yeah could be. Ah look, there
she is now. Hey Norma…

And there we have Marilyn Monroe, beautiful
as ever.
Rumour goes, she’s rehearsing for a
show for thousands
of US soldiers somewhere.
Nobody on this island seems
to be able to
convince her that: sorry Marilyn, those
alive are OVER now, deal with it! There will be
no more performances or movies. But somehow,
won’t accept, and keeps preparing for that big big show for
these soldiers.

Marilyn: Can one of you please get that Lennon
out of my way? He keeps running after me singing
listen do you wanna a secret? he’s creepy.

JH: Johnny? Come on, he’s no harm, Mary, just
say boo!! and he will fly like a pig from a gun.

Marilyn: Perhaps. I am on my way to see that new
one Amy.
Would be nice to have someone who is normal
around here
on this island. Among all of you guys, with
your smoking
and pills, your drugs, doesn’t feel really
comfortable all the time.

JH: We can’t help it, Mary. It’s the nature of the beast.

JM: She was murdered, did you know that.?

JH: Who? That new one: Amy?

JM: No, I mean, MARILYN!. Thing is, she doesn’t
believe it herself.

Marilyn: I can hear you, Jimmie Morrison! I just went
to sleep and didn’t wake up anymore. That’s it!

JM: Yeah, sure! You were murdered by the system,
the CIA and all those bastards. You should never had
– things – with that Kennedy guy, your mister president

JH: Come on, dude! Let her be. We all have our stories.

Marilyn: The new one. She can sing, they say. Would
be nice to hear someone else singing in the morning,
instead of that idiot Presley

JM: Now, THAT, I can, agree with! Didn’t like his singing
much when he was still alive, doing his Las Vegas shows.

JH: If you would have made it his age, YOU also, would
probably do shows in Las Vegas

JM: Yeah, and YOU TOO would have made a great show,
burning guitars and playing it behind your back, circus stuff

The Island of Superstar Zombies

Marilyn: Stop arguing you two! Let’s go see that Amy! 

They start walking, going to see the arrival of
that new superstar zombie: Amy Winehouse.