8: Sinatra, Dean Martin & Sammy Davis

We’re in the apartment of Frank Sinatra,
Dean Martin
and Sammy Davis Junior,
better known long time ago
as the Rat
Pack. Seems they still, in their afterlife,

Sammy is busy in the kitchen while Dean
and Frank
are having a conversation in
the living room. Frank
is writing a letter it
seems, and Dean ofcourse wants
to know

DEAN: Hey Frank. what you’re doing? Writing letters?

FRANK: I’m writing a letter to the manager of this place
to tell him I want another room

DEAN: The manager is Brian Epstein now. You can just
meet him in the bar tonight

FRANK: I mean the very owner of this place, the godfather,
the manager
of everyone and everything

DEAN: You mean: He? The man with the beard, sitting on
top of a mountain?

FRANK: Or a She – who can tell? No one has every met
the almighty

DEAN: Not so sure ’bout that. Ask Prince, also that Jamaican
guy Bob Marley says he has seen god. But why you want another
room anyway? We’re fine here: You, me and Sammy. Just
like the old days. The good ol’ rats? remember?

FRANK: That’s the point. I have enough of you, me and Sammy.
Need time of my own. Was great fun those days with you doing
the Rat Pack but didnt expect I had to do my afterlife also with
the three of us.

DEAN: You tell Sammy also. Or – wait! – better is he closes the
doors first. Sammy close all doors and windows, Frank says he
to go on his own and leave us.

SAMMY: Just tell him we will go too then, he can’t leave without us!

DEAN: That’s the whole point! He has enough of you! Bring a
bottle, we just get him drunk.

FRANK: It’s actually you, Dean Martin. Sammy is okay. Boy,
have I come to hate you over the years.

DEAN: Likewise Frank. That’s what we do, we entertainers,
best friends on stage and enemies backstage.

SAMMY: I only found some tequila, but dont know if you should
get drunk with it. It makes you see things.

DEAN: Don’t say stupid things. Frank even did songs about tequila,
can take it. Now here you go, Frank, drink and shut up bout leaving us.

SAMMY: Luckily we live ground floor. I’ve seen people jump out of
windows because of tequila

DEAN: Yeah, now that would be something. Come on, don’t be shy,

FRANK: I still wanna see the godfather,  that almighty manager
who owns this island.

DEAN: The godfather, these bosses, they will let you know if and
they wanna see you, it’s no use writing them letters

SAMMY: What you guys talking about? Talking nonsense without me?

DEAN: That’s what we do, Sam, we entertainers, talking nonsense and
cashing the money because of it. The more nonsense, the more cash.

SAMMY: O well, I’m off to the kitchen, it’s my turn doing the food.
We’re having
oysters again tonight

DEAN: Damn, why oysters? We have been eating that whole week already.

SAMMY: Wanna find a pearl, just curious.

FRANK: It’s too much this afterlife living with you guys, just too much….
I should have stayed with mother and never should have accepted any
growing up ever. If I had known I would have ended up with you guys.
Such a disappointment this superstar paradise.

DEAN: Don’t be stupid. Here, take another sip! It’s Tequila, you
gonna see things. Nice things I hope…

FRANK: I don’t wanna see things. I want a place of my own!

DEAN: When this bottle is finished you will have a place of your own:
the toilet. Drink, bastard! We’re entertainers, not crybabies. Drink!

SAMMY: Oysters coming up!

We cannot know if Frank in the end
did get his own place,
and if his letter
was actually delivered – and to whom…