7: Kurt Cobain, Prince & Bob Marley

We now must turn our attention to Kurt
Cobain, because he might need some help
with his afterlife. Ever since he came to
the island of superstar zombies, at the
age of 27 also, he’s been locking himself
in a cabin near the beach refusing to come
out, or talk to anyone else.

Also the artist formerly known as Prince
felt sorry for Kurt and so Prince finally
decided to pick up his old mission again,
going from door to door as a Jehova Witness.
Perhaps he could convince Kurt to leave his
depressions behind and start enjoying his
afterlife stay. Seems he also asked Bob
Marley to join him, visiting Kurt.

PRINCE: Kurt, are you in there?

KURT: Leave me alone, whoever you are.

PRINCE: Come on, man. This is me Prince
We need to talk. I can be your savior.

KURT: I don’t need no savior, thanks. Go away!

PRINCE: We all need a savior. You perhaps,
more than anyone else. Let us have a nice little
talk, about God. He told me to go see Kurt,
he is desperate he said.

KURT: I’m not interested. Fuck off. You smell
like one of those Jehova Witnesses

PRINCE: I brought Bob Marley with me. If not
Jehova, perhaps he can convince you. He thinks
you’re ready.

KURT: Ready for what?

BOB: Rastaman Kurt, you can become.
Glory be to the Father and to the maker
of creation. As it was in the beginning, is
now and ever shall be,

KURT: Oh my God. It’s really him! What
makes you think I like your reggea music?

PRINCE: This is not about music Kurt. You need
help and you know it. You can’t sit in your cabin
day in day out, weeks after weeks. It’s your
afterlife and you should enjoy it.

KURT: I would enjoy it, if you guys would leave
me alone now. Fuck off!

BOB: Lively up yourself, Rastaman Kurt, Rise up
and smile with the morning sun.

PRINCE: You cannot do your Three Little Birds song,
Bobbie, not with Kurt here. He’s far too deep in his hello
hollow thing.

BOB: Me was down at the bottom also many times.
When birds sing and nature whispers it’s like
redemption songs, you know

PRINCE: Yeah I know, but Kurt is not like Bob
Marley, his troubles can’t be cured with bird
tweets and simple melodies

BOB: It’s positive vibration, man, that can cure anything

KURT: Hey, if you two wanna go talking to each other,
can you please do it far far away from my cabin?

PRINCE: Okay Kurt, we have it your way then.
But we’ll be back tomorrow, and the day after
tomorrow, untill you come out of your cabin

BOB: What is wrong with me 3 little birds song,
mister Prince?

PRINCE: There’s nothing wrong with your 3 little
birds song, it’ a nice song. But I dont think it will
cure Kurt from his hello hollow thing.

BOB: That’s strange. Me ‘ave never heard of hello
hollow things. Must be an amercain disease perhaps?

KURT: Get away from my cabin! I’m not interested
in both of you.

PRINCE: Let’s go Bob. We will try again
tomorrow. I forgot my Bible anyway

BOB: Me don’t need no bible, man.
It is all in me mind. Me is Rasta.

PRINCE: Yeah sure, let’s go