5: Robert Johnson & Brian Jones

Brian Jones, famous for starting his band the
Stones, and blues legend Robert Johnson
are playing
their guitars. 

It has started to rain at Superstar Zombies’
island but
it’s only a light rain and the weather
is still nice enough
to sit outside on the porch,
just like Robert Johnson was
used to do in when
he travelled the Mississippi Delta
performing his
guitar blues music in the honky tonks and
juke joints.

He is still recognised as the first rock star
also the first of the so called 27 club,
those died at the age of just 27, way too young.

ROBERT: What you wanna learn, englishman?

BRIAN: Everything, your tone, the chords, your soul…

ROBERT: Got no soul anymore. I can only show you
the crossroads where I sold my soul to the devil. You
can do that too if you wanna play some nice guitar

BRIAN: That’s only your legend, Robert. No one
believes you actually sold your soul to the devil

ROBERT: That could be. I would not be here,
waiting at Superstar Island for whatever is gonna be
next, after all this waiting. Could be they are still
in doubts up there whether it should be heaven or
hell for me.

BRIAN: Yeah you should be in hell by now,
if you indeed sold your soul to the devil.

ROBERT: When all we do these days is playing
guitar, man.

BRIAN: Yeah it’s great. Only thing is I wasn’t
yet done learning it. That’s why I’m here for.
With you. Come on, gimme your tricks.

ROBERT: There’s no tricks man, You just let
your fingers do the work, and sing some lines how
bad things are. Early morning blues things you know,
after a rough night. That’s all to it, nothing special.

BRIAN: Singing away your headache, you mean?

ROBERT: It was hard living, in my time.
You rockstars don’t understand.

BRIAN: Why you’re always playing in E major?

ROBERT: Don’t know anything else. Why should
I try another tone? Early morning blues is always
the lowest string first.

BRIAN: It’s probably my western music education
that got in the way, really understanding your blues things.

ROBERT: What education? Last thing I need waking
up in the morning is education.

BRIAN: First thing I needed waking up in the
afternoon was not even any music.

ROBERT: There you said it yourself! You and your drugs!
Don’t lie to yourself, people will hear it when you play your
guitar. Now that’s a lesson for you!

BRIAN: Perhaps I should try your guitar,
might sound better, let’s switch!

ROBERT: No way, brother. You can’t have it.
The devil won’t let me handing it over, to no one.

BRIAN: That ol’ devil again. I sometimes went
looking for him also in the english countryside,
but nowhere to be found, this manalishi.

ROBERT: That’s because you didnt go to any
crossroad probably. Any crossroad, with no one
sight, round the midnight hour, yeah he might
be there waiting for you, also in your England.

BRIAN: Anyway, that’s too late now. Let’s just
play along some more, it kills the time here on
Superstar Island. E chord probably?

ROBERT: E brother, always E, lowest key…

BRIAN: That’s not true, Robert, you’re lying. I can
hear other tones than major E as well. Your music.

ROBERT: Yeah, that could be. But you gotta stay true
to the blues, brother. Beginners should always start with
the key of “E” on the guitar, try the key of “A” after that,
that key also sounds nice. You gotta have that open string
sound, makes it ring. Now there’s a lesson for you. You englishman.

BRIAN: Allright okay, you win. Let’s just play our guitars.

ROBERT: That’s fine with me, brother. It’s the perfect place
and time and rainy weather for playing some blues on the porch.

BRIAN: Yeah, who knows the devil will hear
us playing, and drop by to say hello…

ROBERT: Don’t make jokes about that, brother,
you may regret it later. Shut up, and play.