9. George Martin Recording A. Einstein

We’re in the recording studio that was set up by
Superstar Zombies island manager Brian Epstein
to do voice recordings for the internet. It is run
by George Martin who has the once great blues
singer and guitarplayer Robert Johnson as his
sound engineer and assistant. Today seems to
be a very special recording session, as the audio
scene below will tell you…

GEORGE: Robert, Who is on the agenda today to do a
Aesopus Fable voice performance?

ROBERT: Manager Brian Epstein gave me a strange
briefing this morning must say. Seems we’re having a
mister A. Einstein visiting the studio doing a voice recording.

GEORGE: Strange indeed. If that is the mister Einstein
who I think he is, then he was not a superstar entertainer
once, so he should not be on this island of Superstar Zombies.
It’s only for musicians. I dont think that mister A. Einstein
ever did any music recordings or music composing. And if he was on this
island I would have known. O well, we will see what happens.

ROBERT: There he is now. Yep, that’s mister Albert Einstein alright.

EINSTEIN: Good morning, my friends. I was told to go
to this music recording studio so they beamed me up right
in front of your door. I hope you can tell me why I am here
because I haven’t been informed. Look at that! You sure
have a lot of technique set up in this room. All these machines
and buttons and lights. And you know exactly what all these
buttons do I suppose, without any manual?

GEORGE: Yes, thank you. We know how everything works
in this room. You were beamed up you said? From where?
I have never seen you before on this island and this place should only
be for music entertainers, not scientists, or politicians, or world leaders.

EINSTEIN: Nothing to worry about, my dear fellow. Those still in
the memory of people alive are all doing their afterlife on seperate
islands and other mysterious places no one knows about. But ofcourse
we scientist have come up with a method to do – let’s say island
hoppings, going places. That’s the beaming up you are asking me
about. But don’t ask me to explain it to you. It’s like my other
theories rather complex material. You could offer me a cup of
coffee though.

ROBERT: I see to it. Meanwhile there’s an email from Brian Epstein
explaining. He wants to bring in other voices also, and have more
voices than just the music superstars. With the help of mister
Einstein we could be recording anyone we want, beaming them
up to the studio, dictators also he says, Napoleon or even Hitler.

GEORGE: I will have a word with mister Epstein later today.
Don´t think I will agree though. Anyway let me explain to you,
mister Einstein what we are gonna do with all this equipment
here. It will only take you, let´s say, 1 hour.

EINSTEIN: Good! Then I will be back on my island just in time
for my card game. Tell me what to do. You want me to speak in
those microphones I suppose? Isn’t it interesting how these
sounds and frequencies are picked up, and reproduced through
those sound boxes. I will ask Thomas Edison or Marconi to
explain it to me, when I’m back.

GEORGE: It’s quite simpel. I will give you your text and yes
you can then speak it into that microphone over there. It’s a
short text, but we will do it a few times over again, just to make
sure we will have the best voice performance. It’s just a few
lines from Aesopus Fables, a series of animal stories everyone
knows, more than 2000 years old now.

EINSTEIN: Yes, I know those stories. Probably Greek origins.
That’s how they used to teach their children good morality. Let
us not waste our precious time then, and do these recordings.
Thank you for the coffee, young man, no morning should be
without it, even if it’s the afterlife.

ROBERT: It is a great honor, mister Einstein, serving you coffee.
Let me know when you want another cup.

The recording was done properly. But… George Martin,
not at all
happy with the idea of other voices than those
of his musicians
also joining the Aesopus Fables project,
told Epstein later that day,
he would not give his
agreement to recording dictators
Napoleon and Hitler.

As a matter of fact the discussion about
this ended with George
Martin going back
to the recording studio very angry, and
out the Albert Einstein recording.

So this was the ending of Brian Epstein’s idea of bringing
in other
voices for his Aesopus fables internet project.
But it was interesting
learning there were other afterlife
islands also …