Playlist King John | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page
Act One
1.1 Now, say, Chatillon, what would France with us?
Act Two
2.2 Before Angiers well met, brave Austria.
Act Three
3.1 Gone to be married! gone to swear a peace!
3.2 Now, by my life, this day grows wondrous hot;
3.3 [To QUEEN ELINOR] So shall it be; your grace shall stay behind
3.4 So, by a roaring tempest on the flood,
Act Four
4.1 Heat me these irons hot; and look thou stand
4.2 Here once again we sit, once again crown’d,
4.3 The wall is high, and yet will I leap down:
Act Five
5.1 Thus have I yielded up into your hand
5.2 My Lord Melun, let this be copied out,
5.3 How goes the day with us? O, tell me, Hubert.
5.4 I did not think the king so stored with friends.
5.5 The sun of heaven methought was loath to set,
5.6 Who’s there? speak, ho! speak quickly, or I shoot.
5.7 It is too late: the life of all his blood
Playlist King John | Dramatis Personea | Playhouse Page