The Appeal of June 18 (2010)

L'appel du 18 juin (film de Guerre) Film complet en français

In June 17, 1940, in the midst of the collapse of the French armies, Charles De Gaulle, an obscure Brigadier General promoted from June 6 to Under Secretary of State for War, was received by Churchill and learned that Marshal Pétain had just called for stop fighting and ask Hitler for the terms of an armistice. De Gaulle expresses to the English Prime Minister his desire to speak to the BBC, Churchill authorizes it. The day after June 18 at 10 p.m., the general launched his call for resistance.

Xuan Zang (2016)

XUAN ZANG: Chinese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film|Huang Xiaoming, Xu Zheng 大唐玄奘【Huashi TV】

During the Tang Dynasty’s during the era of “Zhen Guan” (era name during rule of Emperor Taizong), the young Xuan Zang monk, in his quest for the knowledge in Buddhism, embarked on a journey to India, that is fraught with perils and dangers, natural disasters, and sees the sufferings of the common people. Soldiers gets in his way, his disciples betrays him, he struggles through deserts, runs short of food and water, all in the quest for Buddha’s teachings. He finally arrives in India, and studies Buddhism in earnest. By the time he returns to China, he is already 50 years old.

The Scarlet Empress (1934)

Marlene Dietrich's Classic Historical Drama I The Scarlet Empress (1934) I Retrospective

During the 18th century, German noblewoman Sophia Frederica (Marlene Dietrich), who would later become Catherine the Great, travels to Moscow to marry the dimwitted Grand Duke Peter (Sam Jaffe), the heir to the Russian throne. Their arranged marriage proves to be loveless, and Catherine takes many lovers, including the handsome Count Alexei (John Lodge), and bears a son. When the unstable Peter eventually ascends to the throne, Catherine plots to oust him from power.

1746: The Last Highland Charge (1994)

Iconic Historical Drama I Chasing the Deer 1746: The Last Highland Charge (1994) I Retrospective

Scotland, 1745. Young Euan is forced to join a Jacobite war party when he sees its leader murder a local innkeeper. Concerned for his son’s safety, Euan’s father Alistair has no choice but to join up as well. However, when his party is attacked by Hanoverian troops Euan switches sides, a fatal decision which will eventually see father and son facing each other across the battlefield, fighting on opposite sides at the 1746 battle of Culloden.