De Dwaze Lotgevallen van Sherlock Jones (1975)

De Dwaze Lotgevallen van Sherlock Jones (1975)

The world famous Karthoum diamond, which is worth some 2 million extremely hard Dutch Guilders, is being transported to the Netherlands from Pretoria to be on display in a museum. Director Sondag feels the diamond isn’t getting enough protection and resorts to hiring a private detective to keep an eye on it. Unfortunately for him, some Italian mobsters are planning a jewel heist and make sure Sondag hires the bumbling and incompetent Sherlock Jones. In fact, Sherlock’s basset hound Watson has a better grasp of the situation than his master.

Willem van Oranje (1934)

The film is regarded as the first Dutch sound film. On January 4 1934, the first ‘official’ Dutch sound film premiered in the presence of Prince Hendrik and prime-minister Colijn. The film paid homage to William of Orange and was presented as a historic document on the history of the Netherlands, highlighting the importance of prince William’s role during the Eighty Years war.