The Canadian School Shakespeare:
As You Like It (1919)

Archive.Org (Caedmon Records)

Robert Walker Macbeth, Rosalind (1888)

Playlist As You Like It | Dramatis Personea | Sitemap Scenes

In this play As You Like It, Duke Frederick (the younger duke) usurps his older brother, Duke Senior, and banishes him to the Forest of Arden. Frederick goes on to banish Duke Senior’s daughter Rosalind. Frederick’s daughter, Celia (Rosalind’s cousin) flees her evil father with Rosalind and they head (along with Touchstone, the clown) to the Forest of Arden.

Before leaving, though, Rosalind falls in love with Orlando and he with her after he beats Charles in a wrestling match. Orlando, the younger son of Sir Rowland, had rebelled at being kept a virtual prisoner by his older brother, Oliver. Duke Frederick and Oliver had hoped that Charles would kill or cripple Orlando in the match, but Orlando managed to throw and injure Charles.

Soon after, Orlando flees his older brother, Oliver, after their servant Adam warns Orlando of Oliver’s plans to kill him. Orlando and Adam also flee to the Forest of Arden. Duke Frederick, upon finding Celia, Rosalind, and Orlando missing, orders Oliver to find them, or face banishment himself.

In the Forest, the cousins, disguised as Ganymede (a male) and Aliena, and the clown Touchstone purchase a shepherd’s hut, a flock, and a pasture from two shepherds, Corin and Silvius. In another part of the forest, the banished Duke Senior discusses the philosophizing of his melancholy courier Jaques, who is even more mad and morose than usual due to the singing of another courtier, Amiens.

As You Like It
AYLI: Songs
The Story

I remember, Adam, that’s exactly why my father only left me a thousand crowns in his will. And as you know, my father commanded my brother, Oliver, to make sure that I was brought up well—and that’s where my sadness begins…