986 Bluetooth: Why Modern Tech is Named After King of Denmark

Harald “Blåtand” Gormsson was a King of Denmark and Norway who lived during the 10th century AD. He was responsible for the unification of Denmark. Following this feat, Harald set his sights beyond the borders of his own kingdom, and conquered Norway. Whilst the majority of his subjects were followers of paganism, Harald was favorably inclined towards Christianity. He did what he could to promote this foreign faith within his kingdom. Today, Harald Blåtand (‘Bluetooth’) is a household name thanks to the wireless technology standard named after him. Unifying Denmark The exact year of Harald’s birth is unknown, though it […]

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Did the Vikings arrive in the New World in 986?

It is well established that almost 500 years before Columbus set sail, a Viking named Leif (“the lucky”) Erikson visited, and temporarily colo-nized, a small village in Newfoundland, Canada. But the Norsemen may have been there even earlier.   According to the Norse Graenlendinga Saga, Vikings first arrived in the New World in 986 AD when Bjarni came upon a beautiful wooded area. He returned home and his tale soon spread, inspiring Leif Erikson to try to retrace the explor-er’s passage. According to the Sagas of Icelanders, Leif got thrown off course by a violent storm and his first visions […]

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