Events 570s – Ctesiphon largest city of the world

Ctesiphon largest city of the world 570: Birth of the last Islamic Prophet Muhammad. 574: The Roman Empire is invaded by various Slavs, who plunder the Balkans. 577: China’s last of the Southern dynasties, the Chen dynasty invents matches. 578: The world’s oldest ongoing company, Kongō Gumi, is founded in Osaka, Japan. 579–590: Reign of Persian Shah Hormizd IV. Ctesiphon, capital of the Sassanid Empire, becomes the largest city in the world, taking the lead from Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire The Visigoths under King Liuvigild establish the capital of their kingdom in Toledo, located in central Spain Religion The first mention is made of the Spear of Destiny  Science A predecessor of the modern match, small sticks of pinewood impregnated with sulfur, […]

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