Events 470s – Latin language after fall of Rome

Latin language after fall of Rome 470: Riothamus, King of the Britons, helps the Roman Emperor in Brittany against the Visigoths. 476: Deposition of Romulus Augustulus by Odoacer: traditional date for the Fall of Rome in the West. 477 or 495: Chan Buddhists found the Shaolin Monastery on Mount Song in Henan, China. 476: Invasion of Germanic tribes and fall of the Western Roman Empire leads to eclipse of Latin as the European Lingua franca; Germanic and Celtic vernaculars begin process of becoming literary languages.  Emperor Leo I dies of dysentery at Constantinople, after a 17-year reign. He is succeeded by his 7-year-old grandson Leo II, who briefly becomes ruler of the Byzantine Empire  Leo II dies of an unknown disease (possibly poisoned by his mother Ariadne), after a reign of 10 months

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