Events 390s – Hypatia Alexandria during 390s
Hypatia Alexandria during the 390s Roman Empire The Visigoths and Huns, led by Alaric, invade Thrace. Stilicho, high-ranking general (magister militum) of Vandal origin, raises an army and begins a campaign against the Goths. Theodosius I brings an obelisk from Egypt to the Hippodrome of Constantinople. Theodosius I demands the destruction of pagan temples, holy sites, and ancient objects throughout the Roman Empire Theodosius I abolishes the Greek Olympic Games, ending a thousand years of festivals, as part of the general Christian policy to establish universal Christian worship in accordance with the doctrines set forth in the Nicene Creed (the next Olympic Games will not be held until 1896). Late Roman army: The Notitia Dignitatum shows the development of forces in the Roman Empire. By now 200,000 […]