Events 370s – Young Augustine of Hippo
Augustine of Hippo Roman Empire Germanic Invasions: The German peoples surround the north borders of the Roman Empire, while the Huns are destroying everything in their path–villages, cities, even empires. A law of Valentinian I and Valens bans marriages between Romans and barbarians under penalty of death. An edict issued by Valentinian I and Valens bans the importation of wine and olive oil from areas controlled by the barbarians. Gothic War: Famine in Lower Moesia (occupied by the Goths) takes a fearsome toll. Fritigern and his followers appeal for help, but the governors Lupicinus and Maximus regard them as second-class citizens. Little help is forthcoming, and thousands starve to death. The pressure on the Roman frontier is still severe, with the Taifali and other hostile bands of Goths on […]