Events 1860s – Alice in Wonderland
Lewis Carroll’s Aice in Wonderland The American Civil War which lasted from 1861 to 1865. The Paraguayan War (1864–1870) starts in South America, with the invasion of Paraguay by the Triple Alliance (Empire of Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay). It will kill almost 60% of the country’s population. Science and technology The Metropolitan Railway, the world’s first underground railway, opens in London in 1863. The Plongeur, the first mechanically powered submarine in the world, is launched in 1863 after three years of construction. The United States’ first transcontinental railroad is completed in 1869. The Suez Canal in Egypt is opened in 1869. Carl Wilhelm Borchardt discovers and proves Cayley’s formula in graph theory in 1860. The first transatlantic telegraph cable is successfully laid in 1866, enabling almost instant communication between America and […]