Events 1520s – Sack of Rome 1527
Events 1520s Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition that circumnavigated the globe in 1519–1522. 1520–1566: The reign of Suleiman the Magnificent marks the zenith of the Ottoman Empire. 1520: The first European diplomatic mission to Ethiopia, sent by the Portuguese, arrives at Massawa 9 April, and reaches the imperial encampment of Emperor Dawit II in Shewa 9 October. 1520: Vijayanagara Empire forces under Krishnadevaraya defeat the Adil Shahi under at the Battle of Raichur 1521: Philippines encountered by Ferdinand Magellan. He was later killed in the Battle of Mactan in central Philippines in the same year. 1521: November, Ferdinand Magellan‘s expedition reaches Maluku (in present-day Indonesia) and after trade with Ternate returns to Europe with a load of cloves. 1523: The Cacao bean is introduced to Spain by Hernán Cortés 1524: Giovanni da Verrazzano is the first […]