Events 1520s – Sack of Rome 1527

Events 1520s Ferdinand Magellan led the first expedition that circumnavigated the globe in 1519–1522. 1520–1566: The reign of Suleiman the Magnificent marks the zenith of the Ottoman Empire. 1520: The first European diplomatic mission to Ethiopia, sent by the Portuguese, arrives at Massawa 9 April, and reaches the imperial encampment of Emperor Dawit II in Shewa 9 October. 1520: Vijayanagara Empire forces under Krishnadevaraya defeat the Adil Shahi under at the Battle of Raichur 1521: Philippines encountered by Ferdinand Magellan. He was later killed in the Battle of Mactan in central Philippines in the same year. 1521: November, Ferdinand Magellan‘s expedition reaches Maluku (in present-day Indonesia) and after trade with Ternate returns to Europe with a load of cloves. 1523: The Cacao bean is introduced to Spain by Hernán Cortés 1524: Giovanni da Verrazzano is the first […]

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1520 Tecoaque: “The Place Where They Ate Them”

A new dig in Mexico reveals the grisly fate of 550 people seized in 1520 by the Acolhua, allies of the Aztec and enemies of Spain. The son of minor Spanish nobility, Hernán Cortés sailed for the New World at age 19, in 1504. After spending several years in Hispaniola and Cuba, he commanded an expedition in 1519 to explore Mexico. Cortés would topple the Aztec Empire in 1521, bringing Mexico under Spanish control. Archaeologists with Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History have solved a mystery: the ultimate fate of a group of travelers taken prisoner by the Acolhua in […]

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1522 ook of Miracles: 16th-century apocalyptic visions

In 1552, a curious and lavishly illustrated manuscript titled Augsburg Book of Miraculous Signs appeared in the Swabian Imperial Free City of Augsburg, then a part of the Holy Roman Empire, located in present-day Germany. It exorcised, in remarkable detail and wildly imaginative artwork, Medieval Europe’s growing obsession with signs sent from “God” — a testament to the basic human propensity for magical thinking, with which we often explain feelings and phenomena beyond the grasp of our logic. This unusual Roman manuscript was recently discovered and published for the first time as The Book of Miracles — a sumptuous box-sized […]

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