Events 1090s – El Cid conquers Valencia
1094 El Cid conquers Muslim city of Valencia Events 1091: Normans from the Duchy of Normandy take control of Malta and surrounding islands. 1093: Battle of Alnwick: Malcolm III of Scotland is killed by the forces of William II of England. 1094: the astronomical clock tower of Kaifeng, China—engineered by the official Su Song—is completed. 1094: El Cid, the great Spanish hero, conquers the Muslim city of Valencia 1095: Pope Urban II calls upon Western Europeans to take up the cross and reclaim the Holy Lands, officially commencing the First Crusade. c. 1095–1099: earliest extant manuscript of the Song of Roland 1096: University of Oxford in England holds its first lectures The People’s Crusade, under Peter the Hermit, arrives at Sopron. Coloman, King of Hungary (“the Learned”) […]