Events 50s – San Bartolo Pyramid is built
Lecture San Bartolo Pyramid Mysteries Events Cologne is raised to the status of a city. Utrecht is founded, and a Roman fortification (castellum) is constructed at the Rhine border in the present-day Netherlands. Claudius adopts Nero. In Judea a Roman soldier seizes and burns a Torah-scroll. Procurator Cumanus has the culprit beheaded, calming down the Jews and delaying for two decades the outbreak of their revolt. In Britain, governor Publius Ostorius Scapula begins his campaign against the recalcitrant Silures of south Wales, who are led by the former Catuvellaunian prince Caratacus. London (Londinium), Exeter (Isca Dumnoniorum), Tripontium (near modern Rugby) and the fort of Manduessedum (near modern Atherstone) are founded (approximate date). Romans build a wooden bridge across the Thames in the London area. In Rome a law prohibits the execution of old and crippled slaves. Two centurions are sent to the south of Egypt to find the source […]