06th Century

Events 510s – Battle of Vouille, France

507 Battle of Vouille, France Events 502: Chinese annals mentioned the existence of the Buddhist Kingdom, Kanto Lim in South Sumatra, presumably in the neighborhood of present-day Palembang. 507: The Franks commanded by Clovis I wrest Aquitania from Alaric II‘s Visigoths at the Battle of Vouillé. Emperor Anastasius I gives Marinus, former praetorian prefect of the East, command over the Byzantine army. He defeats the rebel fleet at the harbor entrance, using a sulfur-based chemical substance, similar to the later Greek fire. Science Aryabhata, Indian astronomer and mathematician, comes up with concepts of mathematical equations, one of which explains the rotation of the Earth on its axis. This concept is far ahead of its time and he is fairly […]

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Events 520s – Romans begin silkworm cultivation

522 Romans begin silkworm cultivation Events 507: The Franks commanded by Clovis I wrest Aquitania from Alaric II‘s Visigoths at the Battle of Vouillé. 522: Romans obtain silkworm eggs and begin silkworm cultivation c. 524: Boethius writes his On the Consolation of Philosophy. 525: Having settled in Rome c. 500, Scythian monk Dionysius Exiguus invents the Anno Domini era calendar based on the estimated birth year of Jesus Christ. 527: Justinian I succeeds Justin I as Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. 529: Saint Benedict of Nursia founds the monastery of Monte Cassino in Italy.  Battle of Mons Badonicus: Romano-British and Celts defeat an Anglo-Saxon army, that may have been led by the bretwalda Aelle of Sussex or possibly Cerdic of Wessex (approximate date; suggested dates range from 490 to 517). This battle may have influenced the legend of King Arthur.

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Events 550s – Elephanta Caves India built

Elephanta Caves, India is built  Events Mid-6th century – Cassiodorus founds a cenobitic monastery and scriptorium at Vivarium in Italy Mid-6th century – Buddhist Jataka stories are translated into Persian by order of the Zoroastrian king Khosrau. Mid-6th century – Cave-Temple of Shiva at Elephanta Caves, Maharashtra, India, is built. Post-Gupta period. Mid-6th century – Eternal Shiva, rock-cut relief in the Cave-Temple of Shiva at Elephanta Caves, is made Mid-6th century – Jogeshwari Caves excavated during 6th century A.D. is one of the finest specimen of Brahmanical Rock-Cut Architecture and bears similarity with Elephanta Caves (Cave No. 1) and Dhumar Lena (Cave No. 29) at Ellora Caves. Second half of 6th century – Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels, icon, is made. It […]

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Events 570s – Ctesiphon largest city of the world

Ctesiphon largest city of the world 570: Birth of the last Islamic Prophet Muhammad. 574: The Roman Empire is invaded by various Slavs, who plunder the Balkans. 577: China’s last of the Southern dynasties, the Chen dynasty invents matches. 578: The world’s oldest ongoing company, Kongō Gumi, is founded in Osaka, Japan. 579–590: Reign of Persian Shah Hormizd IV. Ctesiphon, capital of the Sassanid Empire, becomes the largest city in the world, taking the lead from Constantinople, capital of the Byzantine Empire The Visigoths under King Liuvigild establish the capital of their kingdom in Toledo, located in central Spain Religion The first mention is made of the Spear of Destiny  Science A predecessor of the modern match, small sticks of pinewood impregnated with sulfur, […]

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Events 590s – Pope Gregory the Great

590 Pope Gregory the Great  Events 590: Gregory the Great succeeds Pope Pelagius II (who dies of plague) as the 64th pope. 594: Beginning of the Bengali Calendar  595: Pope Gregory sends Roman monks led by Augustine to England. The first city wall of Hangzhou (Eastern China) is constructed. England gets her first written code of laws from Æthelbert. The code is concerned with preserving social order, through compensation and punishment for personal injury  Religion Gregorian Mission: Augustine of Canterbury lands with a group of missionaries on the Isle of Thanet (South East England). He is welcomed by King Æthelberht of Kent, who accepts baptism (along with the rest of his court) at the behest of his Christian Frankish wife, Bertha. Æthelbert assigns Augustine and his […]

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Events 580s – Æthelberht  King of Kent

Æthelberht  King of Kent, Britain Events 582–602: Reign of Roman Emperor Maurice. 585: Suebian Kingdom conquered by Visigoths in Spain. 587: Reccared, king of the Visigoths in Spain, converts to Catholicism. 588: Shivadeva ascends the throne of the Lichchhavi dynasty in Nepal. 589: Third Council of Toledo adds the “filioque” clause to the Nicene Creed in Spain. 589: China reunified under the Sui dynasty (589 – 618). In 589 AD, the Chinese scholar-official Yan Zhitui makes the first reference to the use of toilet paper in history. Æthelberht succeeds his father Eormenric as king (bretwalda) of Kent 

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Events 500s – Clovis I

Clovis I who created kingdom of France  Events 502: Chinese annals mentioned the existence of the Buddhist Kingdom, Kanto Lim in South Sumatra, presumably in the neighborhood of present-day Palembang. 507: The Franks commanded by Clovis I wrest Aquitania from Alaric II‘s Visigoths at the Battle of Vouillé. The Frankish Kingdom is formed The Maya are peaking in economic prosperity. The civilization at Teotihuacan begins to decline and its people are migrating to the greatest Mayan city, Tikal, bringing with them ideas about weaponry and new ritual practices. The Sushruta Samhita medical book becomes a classic of medicine in India. The book contains descriptions of surgery, illnesses, medicinal plants, and a detailed study on anatomy 508 – All […]

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536: Worst Year To Be Alive

The volcanic winter of 536 was the most severe and protracted episode of climatic cooling in the Northern Hemisphere in the last 2,000 years. The volcanic winter was caused by at least three simultaneous eruptions of uncertain origin, with several possible locations proposed in various continents. Most contemporary accounts of the volcanic winter are from authors in Constantinople, the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire, although the impact of the cooler temperatures extended beyond Europe. Modern scholarship has determined that in early AD 536 (or possibly late 535), an eruption ejected massive amounts of sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere, which […]

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536 Worst year to be alive

 Events Byzantine Empire Spring – Emperor Justinian I appoints his cousin Germanus as magister militum to deal with the crisis in Africa. He sends a mobile force of comitatenses (mostly cavalry) and an elite guard. Solomon, the previous magister militum, returns to Constantinople. Summer – Gothic War (535–554): Belisarius crosses the Strait of Messina and invades Italy. He conquers the city of Rhegium and advances to Naples. November – Siege of Naples: Belisarius captures Naples after a month’s siege, by sending troops into the city through an abandoned Roman aqueduct. December 9 – Belisarius enters Rome through the Porta Asinaria, and the Gothic garrison of 4,000 men flees the capital. He sends an urgent request for reinforcements to Justinian I, meanwhile preparing Rome for a siege, by […]

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