Events 1470s – Fall Burgundian State
Events Wars of the Roses in England – Battle of Losecoat Field: The House of York defeats the House of Lancaster. Between this year and 1700, 8,888 witches are tried in the Swiss Confederation; 5,417 of them are executed. 20-year-old Leonardo da Vinci is admitted as a master in his own right to the artists’ Guild of Saint Luke in Florence. The city council of Amsterdam prohibits snowball fights: “Neymant en moet met sneecluyten werpen nocht maecht noch wijf noch manspersoon.” (“No one shall throw with snowballs, neither men nor (unmarried) women.”) Possible discovery of the island of “Bacalao” (perhaps Newfoundland off North America) by João Vaz Corte-Real. Johannes de Sacrobosco‘s De sphaera mundi (written c. 1230) is […]