Events 1270s – Battle of Yamen (1279)
The Battle of Yamen 1279 Events King Louis IX of France launches the Eighth Crusade The 17-year-old Marco Polo departs from Venice with his father and uncle Niccolò and Maffeo Polo, to set off for Asia to meet the Mongolian emperor Kublai Khan (the grandson of Genghis Khan) at his court in Beijing in China. They sail across the Mediterranean Sea and travel overland, crossing Armenia, Persia and the Pamir Mountains Floris V, count of Holland, grants the city of Amsterdam freedom from taxes (called a road toll). 1271: Edward I of England and Charles of Anjou arrive in Acre, starting the Ninth Crusade against Baibars. 1274: The Mongols launch their first invasion of Japan, but they are repelled by the Samurai and the Kamikaze winds. Religion The Summa Theologica, a work by Thomas Aquinas that is considered within the […]