10th Century

†915 The music of Tuotilo

Tuotilo Renaissance maestro in 9th century Tuotilo was a Frankish monk at the Abbey of Saint Gall. He was a composer, and according to Ekkehard IV a century later, also a poet, musician, painter and sculptor. Various trope melodies can be assigned to Tuotilo, but works of other mediums are attributed with less certainty. He was a student of Iso of St. Gallen [de] and friends with the fellow monk Notker the Stammerer. Tuotilo played several instruments, including the harp. The history of the ecclesiastical drama begins with the trope sung as Introit of the Mass on Easter Sunday. It has come down to us in a St. Gallen manuscript dating from the time of Tuotilo. According to […]

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†930 – the music of Hucbald

Hucbald was a Benedictine monk active as a music theorist, poet, composer, teacher, and hagiographer.   He was long associated with Saint-Amand Abbey, so is often known as Hucbald of St Amand. Deeply influenced by Boethius‘ De Institutione Musica, Hucbald’s (De) Musica, formerly known as De harmonica institutione, aims to reconcile ancient Greek music theory and the contemporary practice of Gregorian chant with the use of many notated examples. Among the leading music theorists of the Carolingian era, he was likely a near contemporary of Aurelian of Réôme, the unknown author of the Musica enchiriadis, and the anonymous authors of other music theory texts Commemoratio brevis, Alia musica, and De modis.

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Events 940s – Korea’s Volcano Mega Eruption

Korea’s Changbaishan Mountain’s Mega Eruption Events Super-colossal (VEI-7) 946 AD Eruption of Paektu Mountain on the modern North Korea-China border the eruption was one of the most violent in the past 10,000 years along with KO eruption in 8th Millennium BC, The Crater lake’s eruption in 7th Millennium BC, The Kikai caldera’s Akahoya eruption in 5th Millennium BC, The Thera or Santorini’s eruption in 2nd Millennium BC, The Lake Taupo’s Hatepe eruption, The Lake Ilopango’s eruption in around 535 and 536, The 1257 eruption of Mount Samalas, The mystery eruption in 1453, and the 1815 Tambora eruption. Rus’–Byzantine War: The Rus’ and their allies, the Pechenegs, under the Varangian prince Igor I of Kiev, cross the Black Sea with an invasion […]

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Events 990s – Viking Silver Pennies

Norse Viking settlers produce silver pennies  Events  Norse Viking settlers establish a mint in Dublin (Ireland), to produce silver pennies. Science An increase in carbon-14 concentration, recorded in tree rings, suggests that a strong solar storm may have hit the Earth in either 993 or 994.

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Events 970s – Fountain pen invented

974 Fountain pen is invented  Events 974: Fountain pen: invented at the request of al-Mu’izz li-Din Allah in Arab Egypt. 971: Song dynasty recorded the ancient sovereign state of Ma-i on the list of states conducting trade in the south seas and the government’s efforts to regulate and tax this “luxurious” trade. 975: Ghaznavids dynasty, as the first Turk Sultanate, was established in Central Asia. 979: Song dynasty reunites China. In 975, the state of Wuyue sent to the Song dynasty a unit of soldiers skilled in the handling of fire arrows. In the same year, the Song used fire arrows to destroy the fleet of Southern Tang. The city of Brussels is founded by Charles, duke of Lower […]

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Events 920s – Hungarian Magyar forces

Hungarian Magyar forces cross westwards Events Waltharius, a Latin poem founded on German popular tradition, which relates the exploits of the west Gothic hero Walter of Aquitaine Battle of Constantinople: Emperor Romanos I sends Byzantine troops to repel another Bulgarian raid at the outskirts of Constantinople. The Byzantines storm the Bulgarian camp, but are defeated when they are confronted by the main Bulgarian forces. Having won the battle, the Bulgarians lack the maritime power to conduct a successful siege of Constantinople. Bulgarian–Serbian War: Tsar Simeon I sends a punitive expedition force against Serbia, led by Theodore Sigritsa and Marmais, but they are ambushed and defeated. Zaharija, prince of the Serbs, sends their heads and armour later […]

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Events 860s – Beginnings Rurik Dynasty

862 The beginning of the Rurik dynasty  Events  Byzantine–Rus’ War: A fleet of about 200 Rus’ vessels sails into the Bosphorus, and starts pillaging the suburbs of Constantinople. The raiders set homes on fire, and drown and kill the citizens. Unable to do anything to repel the invaders, Patriarch Photios I urges his flock to implore the Theotokos to save the Byzantine capital. Having devastated the suburbs, the Rus’ Vikings pass into the Sea of Marmara and attack the Isles of the Princes, plundering the local monasteries King Charles the Bald gives the order to build fortified bridges across the Seine and Loire Rivers, to protect Paris and the Frankish heartland against Viking raids. 862: The beginning of the Rurik dynasty in Rus’. 863: The Chinese author Duan Chengshi describes the slave trade, ivory trade, and ambergris trade […]

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Events 930s – Æthelstan first king of England

Æthelstan first king of England Events 936: Alan II, with support from Æthelstan, commences the reconquest of Brittany. c. 936: Gorm the Old becomes the first recognized king of Denmark, and thus the Danish Monarchy is founded. The Althing, the parliament of Iceland, is established at þingvellir (“Thing Fields”). Chieftains from various tribes gather for 2 weeks at a thing (assembly) to settle disputes, arrange marriages, etc.; it continues in existence into the 21st century, as the world’s oldest parliament of the Icelandic Commonwealth.

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