05th Century

Events 440s – Anglo-Saxons take over Britain

Anglo-Saxons take over Britain At some point after 440, the Anglo-Saxons settle in Britain. The traditional story is that they were invited there by Vortigern. A Vandal fleet and their allies (Alans, Goths and Moors) set out from Carthage for Sicily, the principal supplier of oil and grain to Italy after the loss of North Africa. They loot all the coastal towns and besiege Palermo  The Walls of Constantinople are severely damaged by an earthquake, which destroys large parts of the structure, including 57 towers. The population is threatened by a plague. Emperor Theodosius II orders Constantine, praetorian prefect of the East, to supervise the repairs. He employs the city’s demoi (“Circus factions”) in the work, and rebuilds the walls within 60 days. Battle of the Utus: Attila defeats the Roman army near […]

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Events 460s – Emperor Leo I The Thracian

Emperor Leo I The Thracian Events 469: Death of Dengizich, last Khan of the Hunnic Empire. Emperor Leo I assembles a massive naval expedition at Constantinople, which costs 64,000 pounds of gold (more than a year’s revenue) and consists of over 1,100 ships carrying 100,000 men. It is the greatest fleet ever sent against the Vandals and brings Leo near to bankruptcy.

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Events 470s – Latin language after fall of Rome

Latin language after fall of Rome 470: Riothamus, King of the Britons, helps the Roman Emperor in Brittany against the Visigoths. 476: Deposition of Romulus Augustulus by Odoacer: traditional date for the Fall of Rome in the West. 477 or 495: Chan Buddhists found the Shaolin Monastery on Mount Song in Henan, China. 476: Invasion of Germanic tribes and fall of the Western Roman Empire leads to eclipse of Latin as the European Lingua franca; Germanic and Celtic vernaculars begin process of becoming literary languages.  Emperor Leo I dies of dysentery at Constantinople, after a 17-year reign. He is succeeded by his 7-year-old grandson Leo II, who briefly becomes ruler of the Byzantine Empire  Leo II dies of an unknown disease (possibly poisoned by his mother Ariadne), after a reign of 10 months

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Events 480s – King Arthur legends

Britain after Rome: The Age of Arthur?  Events 480: Assassination of Julius Nepos, the last de jure Emperor of the Western Roman Empire, in Dalmatia. 481: Clovis I becomes King of the Western Franks upon the death of Childeric I. 482: Territory of modern Ukraine is established in Kiev. 486: Clovis defeats Syagrius and conquers the last free remnants of the Western Roman Empire. Emperor Zeno officially dissolves the east/west co-emperorship, ruling as the first sole emperor of Rome in 85 years. The position of emperor is never again divided. The Visigoths under King Euric extend their rule from the Loire to Gibraltar (approximate date). Period of Arthur‘s “twelve battles”, during which he gains reputation for invincibility The land between the Somme and the Loire becomes a part of the Frankish Empire.  […]

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Events 450s – Death of Attila the Hun

453 Death of Attila the Hun Events 450: Historical linguist Albert C. Baugh dates Old English from around this year. 450: Several stone inscriptions are made witness to edicts from West Java. Amongst others, the Tugu inscription announces decrees of Purnavarman, the King of Tarumanagara, one of the earliest Hindu kingdoms of Java. (up until the year 669) 451: Council of Chalcedon, the fourth ecumenical council which taught of Jesus Christ as one divine person in two natures. 451: The Persians declare war on the Armenians. 451: The Huns under Attila facing the Romans and the Visigoths are defeated in the Battle of Chalons. 452: The Metropolis of Aquileia is destroyed by Attila and his army. 452: Pope Leo I meets in person with Attila on […]

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Events 430s – Ilopango vulcano eruption

Did eruption Ilopango trigger the Dark Ages?  Events 430: The Ilopango volcano erupts, devastating the Mayan cities in present-day El Salvador. 431: First Council of Ephesus, the third ecumenical council which upholds the title Theotokos or “mother of God”, for Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. 439: Vandals conquer Carthage. Augustine dies during the siege of Hippo Regius at age 75, leaving behind his monumental work The City of God and other works that will have influence on Christianity. Saint Patrick, Roman Britain-born missionary, is consecrated a bishop and converts the Irish to Christianity until his death around 460. Attila, king of the Huns, consolidates his power in the Hungarian capital, probably on the site of Buda (modern Budapest). He jointly rules the kingdom with his brother Bleda. Emperor Theodosius II orders a new edict for […]

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Events 410s – Alaric and the sack of Rome

410: Rome ransacked by the Visigoths led by King Alaric. 411: Suebi establish the first independent Christian kingdom of Western Europe in Gallaecia. 413: St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, begins to write The City of God. 415 – 455: Kumaragupta, Gupta emperor. At around this time, one of the first Anglo-Saxon settlements in Britain, Mucking, is established by the mouth of the Thames River The Visigoths continue their invasion of Hispania Reports of the eruption of Krakatoa are recorded in a Javanese historical chronicle called the Book of Kings.

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Events 400s – Illuminated Manuscript Vergilius Vaticanus

Vergilius Vaticanus made in Rome  Events 401: Kumarajiva, a Buddhist monk and translator of sutras into Chinese, arrives in Chang’an. Early 5th century: Baptistry of Neon, Ravenna, Italy, is built. 5th century: North Acropolis, Tikal, Guatemala, is built. Mayan culture. 405: Mesrop Mashtots introduces number 36 of the 38 letters of the newly created Armenian Alphabet. 406: The eastern frontier of the Western Roman Empire collapses as waof Suebi, Alans, and Vandals cross the then-frozen river Rhine near Mainz and enter Gaul. 407: Constantine III leads many of the Roman military units from Britain to Gaul and occupies Arles (Arelate). This is generally seen as Rome’s withdrawal from Britain. Hypatia, Greek philosopher, distinguishes herself as one of the first female scientists, and becoming head of the Neo-Platonist school at Alexandria. The Chronicon […]

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