Gothic Tribes
Roman Empire
- February 27 – Edict of Thessalonica: Theodosius I, with co-emperors Gratian and Valentinian II, declare their wish that all Roman citizens convert to trinitarian Christianity, in accordance with the patriarchs of Rome and Alexandria, implicitly rejecting the Arianism of the patriarch of Constantinople as heretical.
- Battle of Thessalonica: The Goths under Fritigern defeat a Roman army in Macedonia. Theodosius I retreats to Thessalonica and leaves Gratian in control of the Western Roman Empire.
- Hadrian’s Wall, the northern Roman frontier in Britain, is overrun by the Picts and falls into ruin
- All pagan buildings in Alexandria, including the library, are destroyed by fire
- The Visigothic chieftain Fritigern dies after ravaging the Balkans; his rival Athanaric becomes king of the entire Gothic nation.
- The Gallaeci or Gallic woman Egeria concludes her Christian pilgrimage to the Holy Land at about this date; her narrative of it, the Itinerarium Egeriae, may be the earliest surviving formal writing by a woman in western European culture
- The annexation of western provinces by Chandragupta II gives him commerce with Europe and Egypt.
- Easter Island, in the south Pacific Ocean, has been occupied by Neolithic seafarers under Hotu Matu’a (“supreme chief”), who about this time begin to fortify the island.
Arts and sciences
- Important works on mathematics and astronomy are written in Sanskrit.
- Ticonius writes a commentary on the Bible‘s Book of Revelation.
- A cathedral is built in Trier (Germany).
- The Council of Saragossa is held; Spanish and Aquitanian bishops condemn the teachings of Priscillianism.
- The first sermons declaring the virginity of Mary are given by John Chrysostom.
- The Serapeum of Alexandria, one of the largest Greek temples in Egypt, is destroyed by a Christian mob
- Priscillian, Spanish bishop, is accused of Manichaeism and magic, and beheaded at Trier . He becomes the first person in the history of Christianity to be executed for heresy
- Augustine converts to Christianity.