1688 The Glorious Revolution
- 1680: The Pueblo Revolt drives the Spanish out of New Mexico until 1692.
- The Great Comet of 1680 is first sighted by Gottfried Kirch, the first comet discovered by telescope
- Dodo becomes extinct.
- Wild boars are hunted to extinction in Britain
- A comet that will later become known as Comet Halley, is observed from several locations on Earth after reaching magnitude 2 and becoming visible to the naked eye. Arthur Storer sees it from the North American colony of Maryland, while German astronomer Johannes Hevelius measures it from Danzig (now Gdansk in Poland). Edmond Halley successfully predicts that it will return in 1758.
- The first organised street lighting is introduced by the city of London in England, as Edward Hemming begins carrying out his contract to be paid for lighting an oil lamp “at every tenth house on main streets between 6 PM and midnight between September 29 and March 25” on nights in the autumn and winter without adequate moonlight
- 1682: French explorer Robert La Salle claims all the land east of the Mississippi River.
- 1683: China conquers the Kingdom of Tungning and annexes Taiwan.
- The Old Dutch Church of Sleepy Hollow in the State of New York is constructed by the original Dutch settlers (later to become famous as the site of the rampage of the “Headless Horseman” spirit in the novel The Legend of Sleepy Hollow).
- English historian and naturalist Robert Plot publishes The Natural History of Staffordshire, a collection of illustrations and texts detailing the history of the county. It is the first document known to mention crop circles and a double sunse
- 1683–1699: The Great Turkish War leads to the conquest of most of Ottoman Hungary by the Habsburgs.
- 1687: Isaac Newton publishes Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica.
- November 11 – Glorious Revolution: William III of Orange sets sail a second time from Hellevoetsluis, the Netherlands, to take over England, Scotland and Ireland from King James II of England.
- November 15 – The Glorious Revolution begins: William of Orange lands at Torbay, England with a multinational force of 20,000 soldiers. He makes no claim to the British Crown, saying only that he has come to save Protestantism and to maintain English liberty, and begins a march on London.
- 1688: The Siege of Derry, the first major event in the Williamite War in Ireland.
- 1688–1689: The Glorious Revolution starts with the Dutch Republic invading England, England becomes a constitutional monarchy.
- 1688–1691: The War of the Two Kings in Ireland.
- 1689: The Battle of Killiecrankie is fought between Jacobite and Williamite forces in Highland Perthshire.
- 1689: John Locke publishes Two Treatises of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration.
- English sea captain Robert Knox of the East India Company publishes his book An Historical Relation of the Island Ceylon, about his adventures, 20-years imprisonment and escape from Ceylon
- John Bunyan publishes the second part of The Pilgrim’s Progress
- The first performance of the opera Henrico Leone composed by Agostino Steffani takes place in Hannover to inaugurate the new royal theatre in the Leineschloss.
- The tragic opera Phaëton, written by Jean-Baptiste Lully and Philippe Quinault, is premiered at the Palace of Versailles.
- The opera Giustino by Giovanni Legrenzi and about the life of the Byzantine Emperor Justin, premieres in Venice.
- The first documented performance of the opera Dido and Aeneas by Henry Purcell takes place at Josias Priest‘s girls’ school in Chelsea, London, with a libretto based on Virgil‘s Aeneid.
- Heinrich Biber – Mensa sonora
- Dieterich Buxtehude – Membra Jesu Nostri
- Marc-Antoine Charpentier
- Laudate pueri Dominum, H.203
- Ennemond Gaultier – Suite in D minor
- Johann Caspar Horn – Geistliche Harmonien
- Charles Mouton – Pièces de luth sur différents modes
- Henry Purcell
- Beati omnes qui timent Dominum, Z.131
- Fantasias and In Nomines, Z.732-747
- Pavane and Chaconne in G minor, Z.752 (Pavane) and Z.730 (Chaconne)
- 12 Sonatas of Three Parts, Z.790-801
- Sebastian Anton Scherer – 14 Sonatas, Op.3
- Johann Heinrich Schmelzer – Lamento sopra la morte di Ferdinand
- Giovanni Battista Vitali – Partite sopra diverse sonate