Loco Weed

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A Cowboy has rode into indian territory.
A sign at the roadside has told him so.
There’s a summer breeze blowing and
the grass is high on both sides of a wagon
trail for the horse to walk on. It’s complete
silence except for the wind blowing and
the horse walking.

Cowboy takes a pre-made roll it yourself
from his tabacco pouch and lights it. 

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Catch Those Chickens

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some place somewhere west sometime early 1930s…

Studio noises. Sounds of bad equipment turned on.
There’s a man with a microphone and behind the
studio glass of his small radio studio there are 5
people with bluegrass instruments.

MAN: Howdy y’all. Are we making history today!
For those of you able to hear us, this is the first
broadcast ever of WMCN Radio. I know some of
you are listening –  we’ve been advertising it for some time now
– and before we start we would like to do some greetings. First
we like to say our special thanks to the man we are now  in great
debts with making all this modern communication….

– Ah scrap that shit. Let us do the music! [Read more…]

Campfire Song

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It is night on the prairie. There’s a campfire and a
small group of cowboys is having their meals and
drinks under a starry night. One of them has a
guitar and starts singing this campfire song.
Takes whole scene. Scary silhouettes (demons?)
can be seen now and then in the dark…

Remember Dad’s campfire looking at those flames
leaping and crackling I think I saw a demons face
and a lonely wolf starts howling
and brings shivers down my spine
you cuddle close to daddy and everything seems fine [Read more…]