Posts tagged “person”


by admin .

I hate it When
Someone doesn’t Listen
In one ear, out the Other
What you should do is:
Grab the person by the Throat
Shake the person Violently
Then slap the person across the Face
A couple of times, should be Good
If the person is still not Looking
You straight in the Eye’s
Then let the person Fall
Into the pit of Crocodiles



Catfish Joe

by admin .

What ever happened to catfish Joe?
Where has he been where did he go?
I used to see him everyday
Now it seems he’s gone away

I really miss old Joe’s smile and funny ways
He always made me laugh on those sad days
We would eat drink and smoke
I always listened when he spoke

He had many stories and tales
Of his days along the train rails
Hobos and tramps police and jails
The exciting times from his trails

I think old Joe is gone now
To tell his stories I do vow
He went to the great trainstation in the sky
I only wish I could have said good-bye