Posts tagged “person”

Baby Needed A Pee

by admin .

We were driving along the bay
My girl friend really needed a pee
I said go over that way
Squat down behind that tree

Coming form a very good family
Baby had never done it before
But she needed to go so badly
She nearly did it on the car floor

As she came out for behind the big tree
And stood in the long grass looking free
My darling looked so beautiful
Still pulling her pants up after the pee

All refreshed and joyful
She ran to hold me
Darling seemed so grateful
And all she did was pee

At The Shooting Gallery

by admin .

DTL ยท POEM: At The Shooting Gallery

The twins and I, went to the Fair
We had lots of money and not a Care
We went on the Bump Cars
After they were both seeing Star’s
They also liked to pull the Strings
And get all sorts of cool Things

Then we went to the shooting Gallery
Were I spent most of my Salary
I began to Aim
A + O did the Same
I’m a bit of a sharp Shooter
So the twins, I began to Tutor

They both shot dead Straight
And they didn’t even Hesitate
They also both had Keen Eye’s
Both shot well and won a Prize
Now they had to fight over the Size
They decided on the biggest, very Wise

P.S. A + O = Aden and Owen