Posts tagged “love”

Love Comes

by admin .

Love comes in many ways
I suppose on special days
I’ve heard love even comes in a can
will have to send one to Susan

Love can come in the post
or just a knock on the door like most
love can come when your in trouble
or after a kiss, hug or cuddle

But love comes when it comes
don’t go chasing it all day long
then take my word,
it will go wrong



Lonesome Cell

by admin .

Once in a blue moon,
I’ll write a romantic tune.
The song will be special for the one I love,
I’ll sing it to her soon.

I’ll sing it from the roof top,
I’ll sing it all night, none-stop.
The police may come and arrest me,
but my baby, she will stay free.

Free to write me in jail,
of nice things she will tell.
My love song I will wail,
from my lonesome cell.

One day I will be set free,
once again I can sing my romantic song.
Maybe I should make a CD,
then nothing really could go wrong.