Posts tagged “life”

Left Alone

by admin .

When you light a candle,
it should be left to burn.
If you disturb that flickering flame,
you’ll be the only one to blame.

If you plant a seed,
and that plant you feed.
It should be left to grow,
come rain, shine or snow.

I think things should be left alone,
from a cat to a dog with his bone.
It is called good Karma,
like calling your mother on the phone.



Ladies Complain

by admin .

The Men go out and Hunt for Food
Women stay home and make there Brood
Then the men come back in a good Mood
Only to get, both ears Chewed! !

So then things Change, and the women hunt for a Meal
And all their men stay home and Invent the Wheel
Then the women come back with the Food
To find there men in a real good Mood

So either way the women will Complain
About men’s cocks and having no Brains
Maybe someday this will all End
And all women will be our best Friend