Poems With Video

Love My Sweet Pea’s

by admin .

I’m sitting in a field Full of sweet Pea’s
There’s nothin as sweet as These
I prod and poke, for the Best
Oh man I just think I’m Blessed

I begin to Pull……….
And grab a big arm Full
Then I go sit on the Train Track
And eat my Full, as a matter of Fact!

Pea-en and Pod-en, tell there all Gone
Stretch my arms and begin to Yawn
Gonna run all the way home, it’s been a real fine Day
Fartin out the back, extra jet Propulsion all the Way




by admin .

Banana seat, high bars,
big smile, head in the stars.
Pegs under my feet,
Bikes running real sweet.

Thin front wheel,
wide back one.
Chain well oiled,
gonna have fun.

Didn’t check the brakes,
can cause mistakes.
Long silver fork,
need more tork.

Cruzin down the street,
feels like a treat.
My buddy’s I’m going to meet,
then check out the beat.

After hitting the wall, as I am flying through the air,
I swear, ‘should have checked the F-in brakes’.
Wind blowing through my hair,
this is not right, life is so unfair.