Poems Dave’s Voice

Le Cablis

by admin .

My heart is red,
my eye’s are blue.
Why did I travel,
to see you?

It was the plane,
that brought me to you.
Your not to blame,
for the love I have is true.

We met in Le Cablis,
it was a day in November.
The night ended with a kiss,
this I want to remember.

I wish all my wishes,
would come true.
And the next plane would,
bring me to you.



Lazy Duck

by admin .

It’s getting kind of Cold Now
The Bird is on the Wing
Or is the Wing on the Bird?

Now one Little Ducky
Didn’t really Care
He stayed and waved Goodbye

Duck’s cannot swim on Ice
But thats the Price, you Pay
For not flying South, last Week