Rock – Moonpub Music Archive Songdemos Moonpub Music, The Netherlands Sat, 18 May 2024 21:29:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Up Where Rivers Run (EN) Fri, 02 Apr 2021 22:28:20 +0000

This may be a bit of an unusual recording for a traditional country song, although it may do just fine as a contemporary country song. The lyric I think is traditional country but I tried to give it music that is more up to date. Well as usual, you are the one the decide if that is done okay. Thanks for listening!


Breakdown – Can’t Tune In (EN) Thu, 01 Apr 2021 23:15:15 +0000
Just a quick demo that in fact was never really finished – I may pick it up another day to complete the recording but for now this recording have to do – could be nice rock ballad perhaps…
I confess to being confused
There’s no logic in what you do
It’s like we’re living different lives
Can’t tune inYou take my words as literal
When Im just trying to make you laugh
It’s like we’re living different lives
Can’t tune in

There’s a breakdown in communication
We won’t give an inch in conversation
There’s a breakdown in communication
Can’t tune in

No matter how hard I try
You don’t seem understand
It’s like we’re living different lives
Can’t tune in

Something is wrong somewhere
In the wires somewhere
Something is wrong somehow
In the wires somehow

There’s a breakdown in communication
We won’t give an inch in conversation
There’s a breakdown in communication
Can’t tune in

Stones Throw From Rock Bottom (EN) Thu, 01 Apr 2021 12:01:59 +0000
      Stones Throw From Rock Bottom - Devine and Hoeve
All these women in my mind
Angry towns I left behind
But grey’s the only colour I recall
If you asked me to describe
What I had goin’ on inside
Man I couldn’t tell you at all

I’m a stone’s throw from rock bottom
Clinging to the wall
Longing for redemption
Before I start to fall

Livin’ hard was my undoin’
Careless lovin’ was my ruin
Lookin’ for someone that I could reach
I knew all those fancy words
Maybe some you’ve never heard
But not the kind that I’d wanna teach

I’m a stone’s throw from rock bottom
Clinging to the wall
Longing for redemption
Before I start to fall

I’ve got nothin’ left to lose
No more prayers that I can use
And I’m not even my own best friend no more

Turning The Keys (EN) Mon, 29 Mar 2021 17:16:02 +0000       Turning The Keys - Early Years Recording
A day in the life of normal
Nothing is too extreme
I blend in with every day
Okay, I’m an average human being
Today…but times are all a -chaning
I’m tired of this mellow feel
I want to grab a hold on life
and make something out of it new

I’m turning the keys
I’m opening doors
I’m turning the keys

Came close to being forgotten
To live with day in day out
It’s so easy to fall into a rut
and to let go what life’s about

But now I’m up on my high horse
And Im riding towards the storm
I take it all and I might fall off
But I know I get back on

A smile has replaced my torn lip
My head is now holding high
And a state of war is inside my heart
I’m gonna give life ’till I die

I’m turning the keys
I’m opening doors
I’m turning the keys

Devil Moon (EN) Mon, 29 Mar 2021 15:51:26 +0000

Sitting in my room looking at the blood red moon
Not knowing what it means pulling on my jeans
Getting ready to go out not knowing what this day is about

Devil Moon Devil Red

Devil moon Devil red
Survival till the end
Devil moon Devil moon
Come to the earth and consume
Devil moon devil
Devil moon devil

Out in the town not a soul around
I don’t understand what this is all about
Out in the town, empty town Devil moon…

Forgive me for my sins
but the reign of terror shall begin
I am blind and can to see
what’s coming up behind me
Walking in the streets alone
never feeling I m at home

No Words To Songs (EN) Fri, 29 Jan 2021 19:28:45 +0000       No Words To Songs - Early Years Recording

Don’t Put Good Loving Up On A Shelf (EN) Sat, 02 Jan 2021 22:03:31 +0000
      Don't Put Good Lovin' Up On A Shelf - Matthews & Hoeve
As I flopped down in my recliner
I know that something don’t feel right
I remember when my baby
used to kiss and squeeze me tight

I dont’want this to be another love song gone wrong
I dont’want this to be another love song gone wrong

If you don’t nurture your loving
You will be – hey fella!
all alone one day… crying

Now wait a minute!
There is something you can do
(Tell me!)

Gonna take a pair of scissors
and clip some roses from my neighbour’s vine
I will leave a note and some dollar bills
to make up and easy my mind

I dont’want this to be another love song gone wrong
I dont’want this to be another love song gone wrong

Never take your love for granted
or you will end up empty-handed

Don’t put good loving up on a shelf
Keep showing you care
Don’t put good loving up on a shelf
Never take for granted she will always be there

Dust up that old cardboard table
Blow some kisses from your heart
Tell your honey: come on over
It ain’t no science, ain’t no art
– it’s simple…

Dont’want this to be another love song gone wrong
Dont’want this to be another love song gone wrong

If you don’t nurture your loving
You will be – hey fella!
all alone one day…

Don’t put good loving up on a shelf (No!)
Don’t put good loving up on a shelf (No!)

… Never take for granted she will always be there
… Someone could be stealing her away from you
… Get up from that recliner and show her you still care

Got To Admit (EN) Sun, 29 Nov 2020 14:42:01 +0000

Sta Me Bij Wed, 04 Mar 2020 15:21:06 +0000

Een oude opname 1980s als een test-recording voor de technicus bij EMI – hij wilde zijn mixer afstellingen testen en zo gebeurde het dat we in deze EMI studio mochten opnemen in het weekend. Opname is aangeboden als suggestie voor een release maar werd afgewezen – Hilversum zou het niet draaien was het excuus. Hoe slechts 1 woordje wisselen een leuke nederlandstalige titel gaf voor deze classic (Stand By Me | Sta Me Bij)

Als de nacht invalt en de kilte opdringt
heb je het liefst een volle maan

Zo weinig licht schemering als de nachttijd komt
en ik zie schimmen overal om me heen

Ik vraag je, vraag je

Sta Me Bij

0h Sta Me Bij

Nu uit de lucht naast zegen ook
onheil kan vallen rest mij weinig houvast

Nu meer als ooit lijkt de drempel hemelshoog
heus ik niet alleen heb iemand nodig die..

Je hoort ze massaal roepen

Sta Me Bij
0h Sta Me Bij
Sta je niet alleen
Kom Sta Me Bij

